We are looking at a variety of ways to make our fruit, vegetables and flowers available now that they are ready. Have your say on how we do this.

Over the past couple of months a few volunteers have been increasing the potential soft fruit and vegetable production at acli. Over the next few months we expect to have available polytunnel grown Cucumbers and Tomatoes; and from outside we will have Broad and Runner beans, Peas, various Brassicas, Carrots, Parsnips, Spinach, Potatoes, Black and Red currants and Gooseberries.
We have some suggestions below as to how best to distribute the produce and welcome any other thoughts you have on this.
1) We are piloting a pick your own approach. We can make available a list of fruit and veg which are available each week. In order to help sustain the charity we would ask for donations. We can provide a wholesale price list as a guide for donations.
2) For volunteers who have helped grow the fruit and vegetables and for people surviving on universal credit or other state benefits we will not ask for donations.
3) We are keen that where possible we can provide produce to organisations such as lunch clubs, schools for pupil cooking classes and/or other groups. We are speaking with Arran cvs and others about how best to do this.
We look forward to hearing from you with your thoughts; please don't hesitate to contact us.